Fein Violins and Bows

We offer instruments from our own production and have an extensive selection German, Austrian, French and Italian violins ranging from the 18th to 20th Century. We also offer German, English and French bows.

Please feel free to contact us or visit our workshop, so that we may be of further assistance.

Listed below are some instruments from our collection. The Viennese School is represented by: Johann Georg Thir, Franz Geissenhof, Jacob Petz, Anton Thier, Gabriel Lemböck, Ioh. Georg Stauffer, ...

  • Geigenmacher Johan GeorgThir fecit Vienae Anno 1772

    Johan Georg Thir 1772

  • Franciscus Geissenhof fecit Vienae Anno 1798

    Franz Geißenhof 1798

  • Jacob Petz Violin- und Lautenmacher in Wien An.1796

    Jacob Petz 1796

  • Antonius Thier filius Mathias fecit Vienne, Anno i807

    Antonius Thier filius Mathias 1807

  • Geigenmacher - Ioh. Georg Stauffer Wien 1845

    Johann Georg Stauffer 1845

  • Gabriel Lemböck feit secundum + Josephi Guarneri Cremonensis originale ex Nicolai Paganini Concertuosa Violina. Vienae Anno 1858. IHS

    Gabriel Lemböck 1858